Swords and Sandals 2


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This is a game based on the Roman gladiators. You take part in lots of tournaments and duels, your goal is to become the champion of the arena from being a weak prisoner to deafeating the powerful and evil emperor.

Swords and Sandals 2

Strategy and Tactics

  • Strength
  • Agility
  • Vitality
  • Charisma
  • Stamina
  • Magicka


  • A major bug among most of the online flash versions is that you cannot save your character, even on the full version.
  • Skull Staff (mace) isn’t released at the weapon shop. Its position between Quake Staff and Dual Maul (because it requires strenght 57)


  • A Major cheat, type: ,, in the name section. You will start of with a ton of high stats and equipement (works perfectly in full version).

Another cheat is type: ,, before your name and u will have 2500 agility, do not remove the commas otherwise error after error will come in you stats. You will see that you also  have 2500 defence. With the help of this cheat you can defeat emperor antares. It also works in the demo version but it is more buggy.

Weapons in the game

Here is a list of weapons in the game:

The first weapon you get is a rusty dagger. It does barely any damage and is given to you for no charge. You can enchant it for free.
All of these weapons are uneffected statistics. These stats may vary depending on your skill points.

Swords- slashing weapons such as swords are truly the weapon of the gentleman. *requires at least 1 agility to use*
Weapon Damage Damage type Requires at least Cost (gold)
Dagger 3-9 slashing 3 agility 1285
Shortsword 4-16 slashing 6 agility 2270
Dirk 5-25 slashing 9 agility 3535
Gladius 6-36 slashing 12 agility 5078
Bastard Sword 9-81 slashing 21 agility 11383
Longsword 10-100 slashing 24 agility 14042
Broadsword 7-49 slashing 15 agility 6901
Claymore 8-64 slashing 18 agility 9002
Knight Sword 12-144 slashing 27 agility 20198
Silver Longsword 14-196 slashing 30 agility 27470
Heartblade 16-256 slashig 33 agility 35858
Crystal Sword 18-324 slashing 36 agility 45362
Rapier 19-361 slashling 39 agility 50533
Cutlass 20-400 slashing 42 agility 55982
Scimitar 21-441 slashing 45 agility 61711
Raj Scimitar 22-484 slashing 48 agility 67718
Katana 23-529 slashing 51 agility 74005
Ancestor Katana 24-576 slashing 54 agility 80570
Kensai Spirit 25-625 slashing 57 agility 87415
Daikatana 26-676 slashing 60 agility 94538

Axes- Hacking weapons such as axes are great slicing limbs or chopping firewood. *requires at least 1 strength to use*
Weapon Damage Damage type Requires at least Cost (gold)
Cleaver 4-16 hacking 3 strength 2274
Hand axe 5-20 hacking 6 strength 2841
Bronze axe 6-24 hacking 9 strength 3408
Hatchet 8-32 hacking 12 strength 4542
Warrior axe 10-40 hacking 15 strength 5676
Berserker axe 15-60 hacking 18 strength 8511
Greensteel axe 18-72 hacking 21 strength 10212
Madman's cleaver 20-80 hacking 24 strength 11346
Greataxe 25-100 hacking 27 strength 14181
Blacksteel battleaxe 40-160 hacking 36 strength 22686
Steel battleaxe 35-140 hacking 33 strength 19851
Ogre battleaxe 45-180 hacking 39 strength 25521
Iron greataxe 30-120 hacking 30 strength 17016
Ramhead sickle 60-240 hacking 45 strength 34026
Reaper scythe 110-440 hacking 60 strength 62376
Hunter spear 50-200 hacking 42 strength 28356
Halberd 70-280 hacking 48 strength 39696
Awl Pike 80-320 hacking 51 strength 45366
Poleax 90-360 hacking 54 strength 51036
Pilum 100-400 hacking 57 strength 56706

Clubs-bashing weapons such as clubs and mallets are the choice of thugs everywhere *requires at least 1 strength to use*
Weapon Damage Damage type Requires at least Cost (gold)
Blackjack 4-12 bashing 3 strength 1714
Hammer 5-15 bashing 6 strength 2142
Knuckle Duster 8-24 bashing 9 strength 3424
Wooden club 10-30 bashing 12 strength 4279
Iron Mace 15-45 bashing 15 strength 6417
Steel Mace 20-60 bashing 18 strength 8554
Spiked Mace 25-75 bashing 21 strength 10692
Warhammer 30-90 bashing 24 strength 12829
Sledgehammer 60-180 bashing 39 strength 25654
Morning Star 35-105 bashing 27 strength 14967
Studded Mace 40-120 bashing 30 strength 17104
Maul 45-135 bashing 33 strength 19242
Spiked Maul 50-150 bashing 36 strength 21379
Claw Hammer 70-210 bashing 42 strength 29929
Imperial Warhammer 90-270 bashing 48 strength 38479
Heavy Mallet 80-250 bashing 45 strength 35599
Bonecrusher Cudgel 30-100 bashing 51 strength 5089
Quake Staff 120-360 bashing 54 strength 51304
Skull Staff 140-420 bashing 57 strength u cant got it in Weapon Shop
Dual Maul 160-480 bashing 60 strength 68404

Ranged Weapons-ranged weapons require high agility to use but are very powerful (at a distance) you can't wield a shield and a ranged weapon at the same time. you only get limited ammo for it
Weapon Damage Damage type Requires at least Cost (gold)
Slingshot 5-25 ranged 6 agility 1771
Oak Slingshot 6-36 ranged 9 agility 2542
Shuriken 7-49 ranged 12 agility 3454
Yew Bow 8-64 ranged 15 agility 4504
Hunter's Bow 9-81 ranged 18 agility 5695
Tracker's Bow 10-100 ranged 21 agility 7024
Oak Longbow 11-121 ranged 24 agility 8494
Steel Longbow 12-144 ranged 27 agility 10102
Reinforced Longbow 13-169 ranged 30 agility 11851
Crabclaw Bow 14-196 ranged 33 agility 13738
Batwing Bow 15-225 ranged 36 agiltity 15766
Kraken Bow 16-256 ranged 39 agitilty 17932
Wyvern Bow 17-28 ranged 42 agility 20239
Seer's Bow 18-324 ranged 45 agility 22684
Ironforce Warbow 19-361 ranged not available for players(or 48 agility)
Titanium Warbow 20-400 ranged not available for players(or 51 agility)
Knight Crossbow 21-441 ranged 54 agility 30859
Falcon Crossbow 22-484 ranged 57 agility 33862
Doombolt Crossbow ranged 60 agility 37006

overall there is- 20 swords,20 axes,18 clubs, and 19 bows. That is a total of 67 weapons !

There is also 8 weapons the arena champions use that are unobtainable to the player

NOTE:(  i was unable to get the statistics for 2 bows. this is most likely a glitch. if anybody can find the last 2 bows before the 3 crossbows please do fill in for me)


Armor is expensive but it really helps you progress.
Helmets: helmets protect you against critical hit damage, as well as contribute to your overall defence.

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20 Responses

  1. ce22ar says:

    The 2 bows….
    Ironforge warbow 19-361 25270g
    Titanium warbow 20-400 27994g

  2. ACT says:


  3. Official Short says:

    Thank you, both for making this site, and loving this game as much as I do. Coming back to it now is insane, how much i missed it. Thank you

  4. mm says:

    how to get the two finel bows

  5. cinar says:

    im cinar 😀

  6. cinar says:

    ı love this game

  7. Jose says:

    Me alegro

  8. baiseur says:

    Someone has a way to play it in 2022 please ?

  9. WtfMan:/ says:

    What is this. Ranged weapons (bows and such) are bugged. No matter what level, it shoots many many many arrows in a row making them unasble if you want to have some fun

  10. david says:

    why are the ragend weapons not only doing one hit by shooting but a lot of damage from one hit

  11. david says:

    its a cool game

  12. david says:

    why does the Emperor have all fifty in skill points the real Emperor Antares has all 60 in skill points.

  13. Matěj says:

    Same as WTFman, slingshots are in many cases instakill. Couldy you fix it? Thaaanks

  14. Tostiman says:

    Ranged weapons are completely glitched. The game is now unplayable. As soon as your opponent uses a ranged weapon even once, you’re dead. Doesn’t matter if you block the attack.

  15. Marcilleno mina samir says:

    what is the difference between every damage type?

  16. Doktercroissantman says:

    List of interesting bugs/features:

    -Winning a fight with the physical damage portion of an enchanted weapon may cause the next opponent to skip their first turn/take damage from that enchantment

    -You can lose the tutorial fight by taunting Fearful Prisoner into charging you. If the charge hits it looks like you die, but the game treats it as a duel loss, deducts 50 gold from you, and sends you into town with the 2450 remaining gold(Yes, we already had that gold from the start, Antares contributed nothing). After buying all your heart’s desire you are then once again faced with Fearful prisoner, and after winning your gold is reset to 2500 and you get to keep whatever items you bought with the 2450. It’s a neat trick!

    -Taunts can trigger enchantments

    -When using the Whirlwind spell while carrying most ranged weapons, the spell will hit the opponent regardless of whether they are in range for the attack. You can calculate the damage of this attack by either hovering over the stats button in the top right and multiplying your max damage(specifically while holding your ranged weapon) by 1.5, rounded up, or by adding up your strength and the max damage of the weapon you’re using and multiplying the result by 1.5.

    -The base max damage for Hacking weapons is always equal to 4* the base min damage of the same weapon

    -If you and your opponent are stacked on top of each other on the right side of the arena, you will be allowed 3-5 free turns while the game slowly unstacks the two of you. If you are stacked on the left side of the arena however, it will be your opponent who gets the free actions. Be careful!

  1. March 2, 2016

    […] and spell effects and a huge variety of army and game types, Swords and Sandals 5 takes off where Swords and Sandals 2 ended, as the battle against the undead Emperor Antares […]

  2. March 9, 2016

    […] playing the version 1 and 2? Want to find more fun and challenging gladiator battle game again? Now, you can join this […]

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